Jim Sinclair - 1980 Was a Warmup, Gold to Range $400 a Day

Today legendary trader and investor Jim Sinclair told King World News that movements in gold will become so violent that gold will become untradable to individuals. Sinclair also said that gold will be the last great bubble as it goes into a geometric uptrend. Here is what Sinclair had to say about what we can expect to see going forward: “Liquidity, it’s as simple as that. All of this is the event that’s taken place many times in history. Many times in history there has been an inflation caused by volatility in currencies called currency induced cost push inflation.”

Jim Sinclair continues:

“The younger generation has no concept of this. They look at inflation as ebullient business and they look at deflation as being a breadline. They don’t recognize that during a period of extremely difficult business conditions, (you see) some of the highest rates of inflation.

It’s a question of whether our indicators will ever show inflation again. But the truth is if you go back to how the inflation was calculated in the 1970s, you get a good look at what’s going on right now....

Continue reading the Jim Sinclair interview


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